Tuesday 15 March 2016

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

After deciding on who our target audience should be, we had a meeting with a handful of them. They wanted a build up of tension and some dramatic scenes. We built up tension in our opening by having a range of medium shots and close ups of our protagonist which connoted that he was preparing for a big event.
In our opening we followed conventional genre iconography; we had the full race suit, the helmet, the car and the settings were conventional too. This would attract our audience as they recognize it as the genre they are interested in. Our opening sets the film up to have an exciting narrative, the film ends with the protagonist in a hospital bed, bandaged up which implies that there is an incident that so far hasn't been seen, so there is suspense and the audience will be watching the film anticipating something going wrong. This anticipation is something that would appeal to our target audience as they said they liked the build up of tension and knowing that something exciting will happen.
Generally, an audience of a motor sport film is mainly made up of males, so they will relate to the male protagonist. Maybe they view themselves as being similar or want to be like him, this will attract the male audience.
Female members of our audience testing said they liked some emotion in films (emotional pleasures), we have a sad narrative as the protagonist is shown to be in hospital, This will attract especially the female audience.
There are some visceral pleasures as typically, an audience of this genre would like to be tense and left in suspense. I think the opening we have created creates suspense as the audience knows that something bad will happen but they don't know how or when it will happen.

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